epipen 2 pak anaphylaxis treatment

Rising EpiPen® cost

Recent media clips alert consumers of the rising EpiPen® cost from what used to be $100.00 to an astounding $600.00.

With this increase in mind, the first question we pose is, can you financially afford this method of anaphylaxis treatment? As every insurance program differs, maybe you can and maybe you can’t.

About anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis is very scary. It is a serious allergic reaction that can be fatal and those with allergies need to understand the depth of it as well as anaphylaxis treatment options.

Anaphylaxis symptoms come on fast, within just a couple of short minutes of exposure to an allergen. They may cause the allergy sufferer to go into shock, possibly leading to unconsciousness or even death if not treated immediately.

This is such a serious condition that rather than going into all of the details, symptoms and medical terminology here, if interested in learning more, please click here.

You’ll educate yourself and possibly help others, but then also maybe the rest of this post will make more sense.

Regardless of your take of the following information, if you or a loved one suffer from allergies, always have an anaphylaxis action plan.

epipen instruction sheet for anaphylaxis action plan

What does an EpiPen® do?

The EpiPen® and EpiPen Jr.® contain epinephrine. Once injected (follow the manufacturer’s instructions), the epinephrine will immediately begin to relax muscles in the airway that have constricted as well as tighten up blood vessels.

Relaxing the muscles will allow the individual to breathe with more ease while tightening the blood vessels will restrict the blood flow to assist the reduction of swelling.

Although symptoms may appear to lessen with the use of the EpiPen® (or any epinephrine injection), the situation remains one that requires emergency attention. Act quickly and seek further medical attention without delay.

Natural allergy relief

After reading the above, is the cost of EpiPen® (or any other auto-injector) worth it? Yes, to save a life, of course it is. However, have you considered a natural allergy solution as a possible option instead?

What if there was a natural allergy solution available that could diminish or possibly eliminate life threatening allergies? Would you be willing to explore it? Would you consider at least a consultation and possibly pursue it for true allergy relief?

What if you, your parents or your child are actually allergic to epinephrine? Allergic to EpiPen® and other epinephrine auto-injectors? An allergy such as this could be devastating and forces one to find an EpiPen® alternative.

Allow us to introduce you to NAET®, a natural way to get rid of allergies.

This technique is non-invasive. NAET® does not require the use of any drugs nor does it create a co-dependency of any kind. This therapy works with the body and has been known to effectively desensitize allergens.

Although results vary with everyone, NAET® is safe and effective for individuals of all ages, including babies and the elderly. Imagine being able to send your child off to school and not having to worry about their allergies and whether or not an EpiPen® or similar device will be available and properly used to save your child’s life.

With peace restored via NAET®, the rising cost of EpiPen® and changes in insurance coverage may become irrelevant to you and your loved ones. Check it out. It may save you more than just money. It might save your life!

Have you experienced natural allergy relief via NAET®? If so, please share your experience below.

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EpiPen Cost Rising

2 thoughts on “EpiPen Cost Rising

  • August 25, 2016 at 2:09 pm

    Really great and informative article!  I have tried NAET as an alternative health option. It has changed my life both physically and financially as I was able to reduce the amount of pharmaceuticals out of my life by taking this natural approach. 

  • August 25, 2016 at 3:52 pm

    My mom used NAET to eliminate severe allergies. She went to her allergist after finishing treatments and once tested, was cleared of needing shots. Amazing results. Her allergist wouldn't even speak to her once she found out how she had done it! She has her life back, how cool is that? 

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