Woman in white bikini receives airbrush spray tan on her abdomen.

What is a spray tan?

A spray tan is also known as a bronzer. It is the external, cosmetic application of a solution to create a tanned appearance. The solution is made of a simple carbohydrate, usually created from plant sources.

An airbrush spray tan is an instant fake tan. The full body spray tan is designed to give the body a natural appearing tan and healthy glow, without the use of harmful UV rays.


A spray-on tan bronzing application is obviously not a massage. However, it is a non-invasive treatment with healthy benefits and is becoming more popular within spas and salons.

Spray tan benefits are at the very least, a gorgeous tan that gives a boost to your mood, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

Although anyone who enjoys a beautiful tan will benefit from this healthy glow, in addition, it might also lend a temporary lift of depression. All things seem possible with an uplifted mood.

Product ingredients vary between companies. For a safe spray tan, consider a solution with more organic ingredients.

If you are pregnant or have allergies, please consult with your physician prior to receiving a spray tan application (or using other tanning products).

Spray tan tips

Because you want your amazing spray tan to last as long as possible, follow these spray tan tips for best results.

First, regardless if you are using a spray tan booth or a spray tan technician, you will want to properly prepare your skin. This happens before receiving your spray tan in order to prolong the beauty of your new tan and promote an even absorption of the bronzer throughout the skin.

At least 24 hours before your treatment, wax or shave. This allows for a clean, smooth, look and feel. Exfoliate the skin with a gentle polisher the night before your appointment, following with a moisturizer.

For your appointment, you decide how much skin to reveal. However, in certain situations, you may be requested to wear something like disposable spa undies.

If you choose to wear something from your own wardrobe, make sure it is dark and preferably cotton. Cotton allows the bronzing solution to be rinsed out (using cold water) after your tanning session. Bring loose fitting, dark clothes to wear after your appointment.

Getting a spray tan

For this description of getting a spray tan, we’ll assume that you are in a spa. Here, a technician applies the bronzer, not a tanning booth.

The technician will begin the appointment by ensuring your hair is properly protected. They will apply moisturizer to a few dryer areas of the skin, such as the elbows, hands, knees and feet. Doing so, ensures a smoother tan in areas that typically crease.

They might have stickies for the bottoms of your feet. If so, you will step onto them, one at a time. This protects the bottoms of your feet from absorbing any residue bronzer.

professional spray tan

Next, you will disrobe, if you’re wearing anything, and stand in front of the technician, facing forward to start. They will start the tanning application with your face (light coat), guiding you through the process.

You will be asked to move into certain positions and hold them for a few minutes. While you remain still, they’ll spray the bronzer over your body in quick, vertical movements.

Switching into different positions allows the technician to apply a seamless, overall tan. When complete, it’ll appear to have been delivered by the sun itself, except for the damaging sun rays.

Once your amazing instant fake tan has been applied, the tech will blow dry your skin. Then, they will gently wipe off specific areas such as the palms of the hands, wrists, and nail beds to prevent color pooling.

When applied by a technician, allow around thirty minutes for the entire appointment.

After your tan

Immediately after a spray tan, you will be dry. You’ll be able to dress in your loose clothing and go about your day.

It is highly recommended to stay inside, in an air-conditioned area for at least 15-20 minutes. Do not sweat, shower, apply moisturizer, swim or participate in any other activity where your skin will get wet for at least 8 hours.

How long will it last and a few more tips

Your spray tan should last between 5-12 days, depending on the actual product applied and your lifestyle. Regardless of the method used, please allow 6-12 hours for the tan to show on the skin, darkening over the next 24 hours.

Do not exfoliate while you have your tan. This will shorten the lifespan of your healthy new glow. However, do moisturize after showers to preserve your tan.

To reduce stress on the skin, pat dry after showers. Also, ask your spray tan technician about products specifically designed to prolong the life of your tan.

The frequency of your tanning sessions will depend mostly on how dark you would like to be and how often you can afford to go. However, if you tend to tan often for a very dark affect, please ask your technician how often is safe with their tanning solution.

Most importantly, have fun with your new tan! Show it off and enjoy that healthy, summer glow!

Bronzing solutions can stain leather and silk permanently. Until the solution is completely set, please refrain from wearing either of these materials. Additionally, protect car seats for the drive after your tanning session to avoid any discoloration.

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