get massage at massage schools

Massage schools for massage and esthetician services

Massage schools and esthetician schools generally offer massage therapy and facial services to the public at a reduced rate. Massage schools are one of the least known resources for providing these personal pampering treatments.

Much like an apprentice of a skilled trade, the students must give “x” number of supervised treatments prior to becoming licensed or certified. Supervision might include having your massage or facial in a room on the other side of a curtain from another client.

Generally speaking, the massage treatments are either Swedish massage or deep tissue.

Pros and Cons

There are both pros and cons to using a massage school for your massage therapy sessions.

What does this mean to you? You will have to be flexible with the details of your appointment. For instance, you may not have the opportunity to request the gender of your massage therapist or the type of treatment you want.

Incorrect pressure, external noise, lack of ambiance, lack of knowledge and expertise. Well, these are all possibilities when receiving treatments at a school. Then again, you might just stumble upon a diamond in the rough!

You may also be restricted on the availability of the appointment times and dates. Your massage service or facial will be provided by a student, so it may not be as fluid and smooth as you are used to. This can be the case with any therapist, though, even a veteran.

Using a massage school for these personal services is a great way to get exposure to new therapists in your area. You will save money while trying someone new, often less than half price of what you might pay somewhere else. A great way to have a massage on a budget!

massage at home

Be sure to check with local massage schools and colleges to see which ones offer massage programs. Inquire if they provide massage services to the general public and if so, how much and book before the opportunity disappears. In most schools, given the price, appointments fill quickly.

In home massage services

In home massage services are often preferred over going out for a massage. Many massage therapists are willing to do house calls.

Most therapists are also trained in a few types of massage and bodywork treatments. Ask about your options, pricing and availability when booking your appointment.

Although tipping is not necessary, massage therapists work very hard to provide their service. If you find one you appreciate, be sure to show them!

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Massage schools or in home